J.D. Emmanuel – Rain Forest Music

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Label:North Star Productions – NSP-2001


Used LP 1981

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs/wears, not serious)

One of the early self-released works by J.D. Emmanuel, an electronic musician from Texas who began his creative endeavors under the influence of Terry Riley and Steve Reich. Both sides of the album feature full-length compositions that combines minimalism and improvisation with an organ-based tone that brings out dreamy tones. On A-side, "Rain Forest Music” is minimal music with electronic sounds like cotton candy floating in the soundscape of forest, B-side "Visions During Movement" is layered with fluctuating electronic sounds that sound like singing over the distant roar of the sea. Both depict a magnificent soundscape that brings about a relaxing space. The fascinating artwork was created for this album by Houston artist Molly Khan. 1981 Original.

Terry RileyやSteve Reichに影響を受け創作活動を始めたテキサス出身の電子音楽家J.D. Emmanuelが初期にリリースした自主制作作品のひとつ。夢見心地な音色を引き出すオルガンを基調にミニマリズム・即興を重ねた手法で描かれた長編曲を両面に収録。A面では浮遊するような森の音景へ誘う6編成からなる”Rain Forest Music”。B面には海のリズムをヒントに音の揺らぎが心地よいミニマルミュージック”Visions During Movement”。どちらも極上のリラクゼーション空間をもたらす箱庭的サウンドスケープを描いています。魅惑的なアートワークはヒューストン出身のアーティストMolly Khanがこの為に描いたもの。81年のオリジナル美盤。

A Side Sample 1

A Side Sample 2

B Side Sample 1

B Side Sample 2