Dominique Lawalrée – Traces

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Label:Editions Walrus – WLS 04


Used LP 1979

Disc:VG+ (plays great overall, check a lot of audio clips)

Jacket:VG+/VG (little scuffed/wear, traces of tape peeling)

Dominique Lawalrée is a Belgian composer who has been reevaluated in recent years. This is the fourth work from his private label, Editions Walrus. In addition to his signature delicate minimal contemporary music, this work also includes a number of experiments tune using electronic devices, tapes, toy instruments, etc. Just amazing overall and our favorites are "Musique Satieerique", which features toy flute-like sound and a pale, minimal piano, the silence and uneven keyboard melody "Mouvements III“  and electronic reverberant ambient ”Minimum II". The exquisite color scheme of the jacket is also beautiful. Disc is good sahpe overall, the jacket is a little scuffed and wear, and there are traces of tape peeling, but don't think it's that bad.

近年再評価の動きが進む宅録系ベルギー人作曲家Dominique Lawalrée。本作は自身のプライベートレーベルEditions Walrusの4番に当たる作品。代名詞の繊細なタッチのミニマル・コンテンポラリーな楽曲に加え、本作では電子機器、テープ、おもちゃ楽器等を持ち込み数々の音響実験曲も収録。おもちゃの笛のような音色と淡くミニマルなタッチのピアノが重なる”Musique Satieerique”、静寂と不均一な鍵盤の旋律に耳を傾けたい”Mouvements III”、電子残響アンビエント”Minimum II”など全編間違いないです。たまりません。ジャケットの絶妙な配色も美しい。盤面非常に綺麗、ジャケット少し擦れ汚れ、テープ剥がし跡ありますがそこまで悪くはないかなという印象です。

A1 - Post - Scriptum

A3 - Waiting For The Bus

A4 - First Meeting ...

A5 - K7 Music

B1 - Pleine Lune: Insomnie

B2 - Musique Satieerique

B4 - Et Caetera

B5 - Mouvements III

B6 - Minimum II