Arturo Stalteri – ...E Il Pavone Parlo' Alla Luna

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Label:Lynx Records – Z 00565


Used LP 1987

Disc:VG+ (rubbed part between mark and scratch on the A1 track just under a minute in, which is slightly noticeable, looks shiny and good shape overall, strong VG+ condition)

Jacket:VG+/VG (age wears, no cut/tear)

Arturo Stalteri, a keyboardist known for his work with the Italian folky-progressive group Pierrot Lunaire. This is one of his masterpiece, produced and recorded between 1980 and 1983, inspired by a visit to India after releasing a prog album in 1979. The A-side features "Raga Occidentale," which starts with keyboard work that traces the New Age that many artists see in ragas, and then mixes in percussion instruments, second half is led by minimal piano melody and develops into a more Indian-influenced part. On the other hand, the B-side features "...E Il Pavone Parlo Alla Luna," which features more avant-garde elements, and "La Pescatrice Di Perle," which is wrapped in subtle sound. Released by Roberto Donnini's independent label Lynx Records. Includes an integrated insert for distribution to Japan (not included in rating).

イタリアのフォーキー・プログレッシブ・グループPierrot Lunaireの活動で知られる鍵盤奏者Arturo Stalteri。本作は79年のプログレ作品をリリース後に訪れたインドでの大きなインスピレーションを源に80年に制作・録音された最高傑作。多くのアーティストが言うラーガに見るニューエイジの痕跡を辿る様に弾かれる鍵盤ワークから打楽器を交え、ミニマルなピアノの旋律に導かれながら後半にはよりインドの影響を感じさせる展開へ発展していく"Raga Occidentale"収録のA面。対するB面ではより前衛的な要素が表に出てくる”...E Il Pavone Parlo Alla Luna”、柔らかな響きに包まれる”La Pescatrice Di Perle”を収録。名作揃いのRoberto Donniniの自主レーベルLynx Recordsからのリリース。間違いないです。日本へのディストリビューション用の帯一体型インサート付き(評価には含みません)。

A2 - Raga Occidentale Sample 1

A2 - Raga Occidentale Sample 2

B1 - Goa Di Fronte All'Oceano

B3 - ...E Il Pavone Parlo Alla Luna

B4 - La Pescatrice Di Perle